This article explains how to use the Mass Add Financial Transactions page in Aeries to add a fee transaction for many students at once.

Users must have Mass Update permission to the Financial Transaction Details (FTD) security area in order to access this page. The page is located under School Info | Functions on the navigation menu.

Note: The Mass Add Financial Transactions page can only be used when logged in to a school, not the District. This feature is only designed to work with one school at a time.

The Mass Add Financial Transactions page will display the following form:

Grades - Lists the grades for the current school (based on School Options, LOC.LO and LOC.HI). Adjust the check boxes as needed to limit the students who will have the fee added.

Date - The date the fee is charged. Defaults to the current date. Please be careful to enter the correct date, as the date cannot be changed after the transaction is created.

Amount - Enter the amount of the fee. Please be careful to enter the correct amount, as the amount cannot be changed after the transaction is created.

Select Code - If code table records have been created for FTD.CD, the drop-down list will display those codes. Select from the list to automatically populate the Amount instead of typing the amount manually.

Tuition/Related Expense - Check the box if this transaction is related to Tuition. This information is needed to facilitate the printing of Form 1098-T for students [FUTURE ENHANCEMENT]

Required on Next Payment - Check the box if the full amount of this transaction should be applied to the next scheduled payment. Otherwise, the amount will be distributed across all future scheduled payments.

School - The school to which the fee applies. Defaults to the current school. (Note: Changing this value will NOT affect the list of students. Only students in the current school will have the fee added).

Description - Enter a description for the transaction.


In addition to using grade level to limit the students, this process honors a KEEP or SKIP query. It is highly recommended to use a KEEP or SKIP both to speed processing time and to ensure that only the correct students have the fee added.

Here are just a few examples of scenarios in which a KEEP or SKIP query could be applied to Mass Add Financial Transactions:

  • Add a fee to all students in a certain class
  • Add a fee to all students participating in a certain Activity
  • Add a fee based on report tagging, a user-defined field, Supplemental data, or a custom table

Mass Add Fee

After all selections have been made, and a KEEP or SKIP query is in place (if needed), click Mass Add Fee to begin the process.

Depending on the number of students affected, this process may take a while. After it is finished, the following confirmation will display:

If there are no students found in the current school based on the grade level filter and/or the KEEP/SKIP query, the following alert will display: