Session Description

The “Aeries Online New Student Enrollment – Admin & Office Users” session provides administrators with the necessary knowledge and skills to utilize the add-on feature of Aeries for online enrollment.  During this session, Office Users will learn how to effectively use the Aeries Online Enrollment Import Process to import and view newly enrolled students into the Aeries database. 

Session Content

In this session, participants will 

  • Evaluate the system setup requirements for Aeries Online New Student Enrollment - Admin to ensure effective execution 

  • Explore the functionality and benefits of the updated content, including the Foster Survey, Income Survey, HLS option to skip, and the ShowHide Immunizations feature 

  • Understand and utilize different tools available in Aeries Online New Student Enrollment - Admin to efficiently manage the enrollment process 

  • Develop strategies to streamline the enrollment process and improve the experience for new students and their families 

  • Compare the usage of Aeries Online New Student Enrollment - Admin by administrators and users to identify areas for improvement and maintain proper usage. 

  • Understand the distinct types of data requirements and ensure accurate review of the data elements during the import enrollment process 

  • Discover strategies to streamline the enrollment process and save time while increasing efficiency 

  • Troubleshoot potential data integrity issues that may arise during the enrollment process and develop strategies to address them

Session Documentation

Aeries Online Enrollment Admin Settings

Aeries Online Enrollment Database Structure

Home Language Survey in Aeries Online Enrollment

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