This article contains a listing of all tables and a brief description of their use in Aeries.

Table CodeTable nameTable Description
ABSAbsence CodesCodes used for recording absences
ACA Alternate Course Request AssociationStores the linking of Alternate Course Requests
ACLAttendance Create LogMaintains a log of when and where new PAC files and DAC tables are created
ACRAlternate Course RequestStores Alternate Course Requests
ACTActivities and AwardsRecording Activities in which student participates, and Awards received by student
ADHAddress HistoryStores a history of student address changes
ADRName and AddressFor recording Names and Addresses of Staff, Site Council, PTA, etc.
ADSAssertive DisciplineContains data for one of the two Discipline Tables – More details than DIS (both can be used)
AEDAdult EducationStores Adult Education data
AEFAdult Education FieldsStores Adult Education data
AHCAttendance History CodesStores a history of absence code descriptions
AHDAttendance History DetailsStores a detailed history of student attendance counts by code, period and year
AHSAttendance History SummaryStores a summary of student enrollment, present, absent and tardy counts by year
ANAAttendance Notify CodesStores Attendance Notification Codes.
ANCAttendance Notify ConfigStores Attendance Notification Configuration.
ANLAttendance Notify LogStores Attendance Notification Log.
ANSAttendance Notify SchlsStores Attendance Notification Schools.
APCAcademic Plan Crs ReqStores a student’s current academic plan
APLAcademic Plan LogMaintains a record of any change done to a student’s academic plan.
ARCAt-Risk ConfigurationStores At-Risk Indicator information
ARDAttendance Reporting DataStudent Attendance details for TX Attendance Reporting
ARHAttendance Reporting HoursStudent Hourly CTE details for TX Attendance Reporting
ARIStudent At-Risk Indicators
Stores Student At-Risk Indicators
ARPAttendance Reporting PeriodsAttendance Reporting Periods for use in Texas
ARRAttendance Reporting RemoteStudent Remote attendance details for TX Attendance Reporting
ARSAttendance Reporting Summary

Campus/District Summary details for TX Attendance Reporting

ARTAttendance Reporting TracksRecords instructional ranges (Instructional Periods or Instructional Minutes) for use in calculating Instructional Minutes in Texas schools.
ASLTch Att Submission LogMaintains a record when teachers submit attendance through Teacher Portal -Generates Missing Sheet Log
ATASupp Att AssignmentsRelationships of Student Numbers to Supplemental Attendance Session numbers
ATCSupp Att CalendarDays that a Supplemental Attendance Session meets
ATDSupp Att DataSupplemental Attendance tracking includes times in and out and total minutes by student
ATLAttendance LogMaintains a record of when changes are made to student attendance
ATNAttendance NotesFor recording specific details for a particular student and date.
ATPSupp Att ProgramsContains details of Supplemental Attendance Programs offered
ATRSupp Att StaffRelationships of Staff IDs to Supplemental Attendance Session numbers
ATSSupp Att SessionsContains details of Supplemental Attendance Sessions offered
ATTAttendance DataMaintains Dates of Enrollment, Absences and Absence Reasons, and Un-enrollment
AUTAuthorizationsSpecific authorizations or prohibitions to student participation in specific programs
AWLMaster Schedule Wait List
BAABackupAlternate Course Request Association Backup
BACAlternate Course Requests BackupAlternate Course Requests Backup
BELBell ScheduleBell Schedule for Secondary Schools, including Continuation or Alternative Schools
BERBehavioral Emergency ReportTracks Mechanical Restraint, Physical Restraint, and Seclusion for State Reporting and Civil Rights Data Collection.
BILBillingFor tuition billing of students – more detailed than the FEE table
BPWBanned PasswordsStores Banned Passwords
BSAAssociation BackupSummer Alternate Course Request Association Backup
BSDBell Schedule DefinitionProvides for a variety of Bell Schedules which can be assigned to the Calendar
BSTBell Schedule TimesContains data from Bell Scheduler
BWLBackup Scheduling Wait List
CACCampaign Advertisement Connections
CALClass Attendance LogClass Attendance Log for use with Flex Scheduling
CARCourse AttendanceRecords changes in students’ class schedules so attendance can be tracked at the course level
CASClass Attendance Submission LogClass Attendance Submission Log for use with Flex Scheduling
CATClass AttendanceClass Attendance for use with Flex Scheduling
CBD Communications Batch DetailsDistrict Attendance Letter Details
CBSCommunication Batch District Attendance Letter Summary
CCCCollege Course Credit
CCDClass Calendar DatesClass Calendar dates for Flex Scheduling
CCHCourse CharacteristicsAllows districts to define a course in more granular detail.
CCICollege and Career Indicator
CCLClass CalendarsClass Calendars for Flex Scheduling
CCPCourse Career PathwaysStores Career Pathways specific to each Course.
CDCCourse DocumentsAeries Web Only.  Contains documents specific to each Course.
CDI Code Table Image
CERCollege Entrance ReqsStores College Entrance Requirements for each student.
CCHCourse CharacteristicsStores more granular details about a Course.
Course History Characteristics
Allows removal/addition Course Characteristics to a specific transcript record.
CHDAttendance History Details
Attendance History Details for Flex Scheduling
CHICrs History InstitutionsNames / Addresses of Districts & Schools outside the current district used by various drop-downs, such as Transcripts
CMPComposite Courses
CNFConferenceContains detail for one of the two Counselor Tables - More details than VIS (both can be used)
CODCode TableContains CODES for Multiple Tables
COLCollegesNames and Addresses of Colleges – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
CONContactsRecords of people to be contacted in case of emergency 
CPECareer Pathway ExpStores Career Pathways Experiences for each student.
CPHCareer Pathway HistoryStores Career Pathways History for each student.
CPOCareer Pathway OutcomesStores Career Pathways Outcomes for each student.
CPRCourse PrerequisitesThis table is in the Aeries SQL database for a planned future enhancement to Aeries to implement Course Requests
CPWCareer PathwaysStores Career Pathways details for each student.
CRACustom Report AccessContains which security groups can view each custom report.
CRCCustom Report ConfigStores the definition of each custom report.
CRDCourse Request DefsContains codes used to setup course request packets
CRFCourse FeesAeries Web Only.  Contains fee information specific to each Course.
CRGCustom Report GroupsStores which custom report items are on each custom report.
CRICustom Report ItemsStores the definition of each custom report item.
CRLCustom Report LayoutContains descriptions and colors for each of the 5 test levels.
CRPCourse Request PacketsContains the courses setup within the course request packets
CRQCourse RequestsContains the list of courses offered to students in different grade levels during scheduling
CRSCoursesContains details of Courses offered at a Secondary School
CRTCollege Requests TableStores transcript requests from Colleges
CSASpecial Ed Alternate AssessmentSpecial Ed Alternate Assessment Data – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CSDSpecial Ed DIS ServicesSpecial Ed Disability Services – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CSESpecial Education DataSpecial Education Demographic Information – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CSISpecial Ed Infant DataSpecial Ed Infant Services data – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CSNContent Standard NamesContains descriptions of Content Standards Tests and Test Parts populated when loading STAR – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CSQCourse SequenceAcademic Plan - Course Sequences
CSSSpecial Ed SuspensionsSpecial Ed Student Suspensions  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CSTContent Cluster ScoresStores the Content Standard Scores that are loaded from STAR
CSVSpecial Ed Student ServicesSpecial Ed Student Services data  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CTDCustom Table DefinitionsThese tables define the layout of custom tables defined in your Aeries SQL database and tell Aeries Web how to display and work with the table.  These tables are updated from the Define Custom Tables page
CTECareer Tech EducationCareer Technical Education, used by CALPADS. The information in this table is visible from the Students form, Student Secondary Data tab
CTFCustom Table FieldsThese tables define the layout of custom tables defined in your Aeries SQL database and tell Aeries Web how to display and work with the table.  These tables are updated from the Define Custom Tables page
CTLTest ControlContains descriptions of Tests and Test Parts  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
CTSCollege Test ScoresTest Scores to be included on College Transcripts
CVRCivil Rights Data
CVTCivil Rights Data Totals
DAAData Alerts and ApprovalsAlert and Responses Sent and Received
DACDaily sheetsCreated by Daily Attendance when Sheets are created
DAGDst Analysis Stu Sub GrpAeries Web Only.  Define sub groups for district analysis indicators
DAIDst Analysis IndicatorAeries Web Only.  Stores Analysis Indicator Definitions for Aeries Analytics
DALDst Analysis LevelsAeries Web Only.  Table stores the titles, codes, and colors for each of the 1 rubric levels
DAMData Alerts and Approvals ContentContent of Alert Sent and User initiating the Request
DAQDst Analysis QualifAeries Web Only.  Stores the qualifying level of each student for each Aeries Analytics Analysis Item
DASDst Analysis SummaryAeries Web Only.  Stores a summary of student level qualifications to different Aeries Analytics Analysis Items by school and grade
DATDst Analysis ThresholdsAeries Web Only.  Stores the low and high values for each Rubric level
DAUData Alerts UsersAlert Recipients, Responding User and  Status of Response - Read, Unread, etc.
DAYCalendarAttendance Calendar  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
Document Archive
DCLDocument Access LogTable used by Parent Data Confirmation to store a log of parent access to each document and records if they digitally confirmed the information in the document
DCSDocumentsTable used by Parent Data Confirmation to store the basic info about each Document and the document itself
DCVDocument VisibilityTable used by Parent Data Confirmation to store the Schools and Grades each document is visible to
DDRDiscount Rates
DDS District Data Sharing
DGGDistrict Grade PointsStores grade points for weight factors added to District Defined GPAs. 
DGPDistrict GPAsStores District Defined GPAs.
DGSDistrict GPA Schools and CohortsStores Schools and Cohorts associated with each District Defined GPA
DGWDistrict GPA Weight FactorsStores weight factors added to District Defined GPAs
Dashboard Item Groups
Aeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Dashboard – stores which dashboard items are on each dashboard
DIODashboard Item OptionsAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Dashboard – stores the definition of each dashboard item
DIPDashboard Item PushAeries Web Only.  Table for Dashboard Item Push Sharing
DISDisciplineContains data for one of the two Discipline Tables – Less detail than ADS (both can be used)
Dual Language ImmersionContains multi-year data for student participation in Dual Language Immersion programs
DNTDentalContains history of details for Dental testing
DOCStudent DocumentsStores any type of documentation. The table is ID based and it is not cached because of its potential big size
DOFDigital Offering
DPTDistrict Options TableStores various District Wide options and is used by various Reports and Forms
DRADistrict Resource AssignAeries Web Only.  Contains all of the individual district resource assignments (who they’re checked out to)
DRCDistrict Resource CourseAeries Web Only.  Contains information about courses each district resources applies to
DRIDistrict Resource ItemsAeries Web Only.  Contains all of the individual district resource copies
DRTDistrict Resource TitlesAeries Web Only.  Contains information about district resources including title and other basic information
DSDDistrict SupplementalDistrict Supplemental Student demographics (up to 150 District developed fields)
DSPDispositionsFor recording multiple dispositions for a specific assertive discipline offense
DVCData Validation Schools
DVDData Validation Definitions
DVGData Validation Groups

DVRData Validation Results

DVUData Validation Users

ECAExtracurricular ActivityStores data to track Extracurricular Activity eligibility and participation
ECDEarly Childhood Development
ECPExtracurric ProbationStores data to track Extracurricular Activity Probations
EFDEd-Fi Data
EFEEd-Fi Entities
EFOEd-Fi Organization
EFREd-Fi Results
EFSEd-Fi Schools
EMLE-Mail LogUsed to log the emails that are sent out of the Aeries system
EMPEmployers (Work Permits)Contains information concerning Employers for Student Work Permits  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
EMUE-Mail Appropriate UseUsed to store how parents in ABI have configured their email address to be used
ENHEstimated New HiresContains Estimated New Hires information. This table is used to record the number of estimated new hires in each subject area for the following school year. This data is used for state reporting.
ENREnrollmentContains enrollment history for a student based on their Permanent ID
EPLExam Performance LevelsAeries Web Only.  Define performance levels for each exam section
ERLElectronic Score Report Log
ESIExternal Student IDStores identifying fields from 3rd party products such as Google (G Suite).
ESNExam SectionsAeries Web Only.  Define sections of an exam, exam section can be tied to test part
ESQExam Section QuestionsAeries Web Only.  Store exam questions that belong to an exam section
ESRExam Scoring RuleContains grading rules for each exam question.
ETAExam Testing AdminAeries Web Only.  Define Testing Administrations of an exam.
ETSExam Testing Admin StuAeries Web Only.  Store a snapshot of students along with their classes and teachers in an Exam Testing Admin.
EVTABI EventsStores the contents of the Event Calendar.
EXAExam Response AnswersAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Response Answers.
EXCExam Question ChoicesAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Question Choices.
EXGExam Passage Text GroupsAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Passage Text Groups.
EXHExam SchoolsAeries Web Only.  Define which schools an exam can be given at.
EXLExam Printing LogAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Printing Log.
EXMExamsAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exams.
EXOExam Organization FolderAeries Web Only.  Store folder structure of exams.
EXPExpulsionsStores details for student expulsions.
EXQExam QuestionsAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Questions.
EXRExam ResponsesAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Responses.
EXSExam Question StandardsAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Question Standards.
EXTExam Passage TextAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Passage Text.
EXVExam VersionsAeries Web Only.  Aeries Analytics Table for Exam Versions.
FAP504 Accommodation PlansContains the accommodations that each 504 student needs.
FAR(OLD) Free and ReducedDeprecated
FDE504 Disability EffectsContains effects of the disabilities for 504 plans.
FEC504 Evaluation CriteriaContains evaluation criteria for each 504 plan.
FEEFees and FinesContains records of Fees charged to and collected from Students
FLFFixed Length FilesContains definitions of field length files used by the Import Fixed Length Files form - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
FLGRed Flag TableStores the student number and specific table name flagged with a red flag indicator .
FLIFile Location InfoFile Location Information for use with the CALPADS Extracts page in Aeries Web.
FLRFixed Length Rcd LayoutContains definitions of field length record used by the Import Fixed Length Files form - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
FOF504 PlansContains the details of each 504 plan.
FPP504 Program ParticipantsContains the basic info of individuals who participate in the 504 plan.
FPSFinancial Payment ScheduleAeries Web Only.  Contains Payment Schedules for each student.
FREFree and Reduced MealsContains data for Students whose parents have applied for Free or Reduced meals - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
FRM(OLD) Free and ReducedDeprecated
FSAFoster Action Plans
FSCFoster Legal Cases
FSD504 Student DisabilitiesContains student disabilities for each 504 plan.
FSEFoster Education Rights Holder
FSGFoster Goals

FSHFoster history

FSIFoster Student Information

FSLFoster Attorneys

FSMFoster Meetings

FSNFoster Notes

FSPFoster Placements

FSRFoster Hearings

FSSFoster Team Contacts

FSTFoster Summary Report Notes
FTDFinancial Transaction DetailsAeries Web Only.  Contains record of credits and debits for each student.
FTFFlexible Periods

Flex Periods used for Flex Scheduling

FTSFinancial Transaction SummaryAeries Web Only.  Constains the current financial transaction summary for each student.
FTTFlexible Time PeriodsFlex Period Times used for special bell schedules in Flex Scheduling
GBAGradebook AssignmentsContains information about every teacher’s gradebook assignments
GBBGradebook BackupsThis table is used to store information about the Gradebook backups that are done
GBCGradebook ScalesUsed to store types of Grading Scales used by each teacher that is associated with individual Gradebook Assignments so that letter or character grades can be given instead of numeric values.
GBDGradebook Standard ScoreStores the gradebook scores by standard for each assignment
GBEGradebook SectionsStores the Section or Teacher Numbers associated with an individual gradebook
GBFGradebook File LinkingStore gradebook assignment’s file linking information.
GBKGradebooksStores the different gradebooks created by the teachers
GBLGradebook Access LogLog used to track parents and/or students who view a teacher’s gradebook via Parent Portal
GBMGradebook Scale MarksStores actual Marks used by each Gradebook Grading Scale in the GBC table.
GBNGradebook StandardsStores standards associated with each gradebook assignment.  Used for the Load process from the Gradebook to Standards-Based Grade Reporting.
GBOGradebook OptionsSets options for Teacher Grades
GBRGradebook TermsStores terms associated with each gradebook.
GBSGradebook ScoresContains the scores received by students in a teacher’s gradebook
GBTGradebook Assgmt TypesContains definitions of the various assignment types by teachers
GBUGradebook StudentsStores the information for students the teacher has allowed into the gradebook
GBVGradebook Term StudentStores student overall grade by term.
GCMGradebook Custom MarksContains custom marks used with Gradebook
GEA Graduation Endorsement RequirementsStores requirements for an Endorsement
GECGraduation Endorsement Courses
Stores available courses per Endorsement Option
GEOGraduation Endorsement Options
Stores available options per Endorsement Requirement
GEPGraduation Endorsement Pathways
Stores pathways a student can take to achieve the Endorsements
GESGraduation Endorsement Students
Stores Student Endorsement Statuses
GPAStudent GPAsStores student GPAs generated by District Defined GPAs.
GPCGrading Period Calculations
Stores definition of weighted grading er
GPDGrading PeriodsStores school defined data ranges for each marking period
GRCGrade Report MarksContains all the possible Grades or Marks and descriptions that might be given to a student - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
GRDGrade ReportingContains Grades given to Students for Grade Reporting
GRGGrade Reporting GPAsStores students Grade Reporting GPA data as calculated on recompute
GRHGrade Reporting HistoryContains previous Grade Reporting data given to Students in the current school year 
GROGrade Reporting OptionsContains school and user options dealing with Grade Reporting
GRPGrade Reporting PrintingContains the mark headings and descriptions to be printed on a report card and any messages
GRSSecondary StandardsContains Standards Based Grades given to Secondary Students
GSSGrading Snapshots
Contains Gradebook overall grade information for a point in time. 
GTCGATE Stu CharacteristicsStores student characteristics that triggered a particular GATE Referral.
GTEGATEStores main GATE information about a student.
GTGGradebook To GradesDefines percent range for each mark for Gradebook to Grades for Report Cards
GTNGATE Stu NotesStores various notes about a GATE Referral.
GTRGATE Stu ReferralsStores information about each referral to the GATE program that has been made for a student.
GTSGradebook Transfer ScoreStores the default grade that a student earned from the previous teacher.
GTTGATE Stu TestsStores information about tests administered to students pending GATE qualification.
HISCourse HistoryHistory of Grades given to a student, including those from other schools – Transcript Data
HRNHearingContains history of details of Hearing Tests
HSEHealthy Start EventsContains records of Healthy Start Program Services Rendered
HWOHeight Weight OtherContains history of details of Height and Weight of Student
ICLInformation ConfirmationTable used by Parent Data Confirmation to store what and when data is confirmed by the parent.
IDNID NumberContains Permanent ID and other basic student information
IMBImmunizations Boosters
Stores student immunizations boosters (COVID-19)
IMCInstructional Minutes Certification
Used for weekly Teacher certification of instructional minutes
IMMImmunizationsContains history of Immunizations for Student
INAIntervention ActionsStores Actions for each Intervention Goal
INCIntervention CommentsContains detailed information on the progress the student is making towards the established goals
INGIntervention GoalsContains details regarding the intervention goals set for a student
INMIntervention MeetingsContains meeting information (comments, attendees, etc.) regarding the student intervention
INPIntervention PracticesContains instructional practices or strategies defined for the student and intervention
INRIntervention ResourcesStores Resources for each Intervention.
INSIntervention StakeholderStores Stakeholders for each Intervention.
INVInterventionsContains details of Intervention Actions taken
IPIIntervention Prior InvStores Prior Interventions for each Intervention.
IPRInstitution ProgramsStores the programs that the district offers.  (CSIS use ONLY).  - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.  
IRCIntervention ReasonsStores Reasons and Concerns for each Intervention.
ISAIndependent Study AgreementsStores Independent Study Agreement records for a student.
ISGIndependent Study SignaturesStores Independent Study Agreement signatures for agreements.
ISPInternshipStores product work hours for Independent Study agreements.
ISSIntervention Student StrStores Student Strengths for each Intervention.
ISWIndependent Study Production Work Hours
IVSInternship Visits
LACLanguage AssessmentContains info about ESL students as well a stores info about initial tests taken by the student – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED. 
LAFLang Assess FLOSEMContains a test history of Oral Language Assessments test taken by the student – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
LASLang Assess ScoresContains a test history of Language Assessments test taken by the student – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
LCNSchool Contacts
LEALetter Table AuditStores Attendance data relating to a student’s Letter
LECLetter Table CodesStores which Absence Codes (ABS) count towards each Letter in LET – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
LETLetter TableStores Letter data (similar to existing LTR table) – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
LGDLog DetailsLogs student detail changes specifically for CALPADS reporting.
LKRLockersContains information about all the lockers in the school
LNCLunch Count DataUtilized through Teacher Portal to report the daily lunch count to the office
LNKABI LinksStores the URLs for the Online Resource Center
LOCLocation dataNames, Addresses, and Function variables of schools within the District – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
LOGLOGRecords critical changes made to specific data by the users
LSILegal Student InfoContains student legal name and gender data
LTALetter Table AuditStores Attendance data from CAT table for use with Flex Scheduling. Similiar to LEA.
LTLLetter LogLogs the Letter Type, Student, Date and User who created Letters.
LTRQuery LettersContains the contents of all letter texts available through Aeries
MDFMulti Data Profile FieldStores Multi Data Profiles Fields to be included
MDLMulti Data Profile ColorStores Multi Data Profiles layout colors
MDPMulti Data Profile OptStores Multi Data Profiles basic information
MEDMedical DataContains records of daily visits to the medical office 
MHSMedical HistoryHistory of Major Medical concerns
MIIMedical Insurance InfoContains history of details for Medical Insurance
MLGMedication LogLogs the dates and times medications are administered to a student
MLMMedicationsContains history of details of Medications
MNOMedical NotesContains confidential medical data regarding a student that is usually entered by nurses
MSSMaster Schedule SettingsContains Master Schedule Settings for use with Google Classrooms.
MSTMaster ScheduleMaster Schedule
NATNotification and Alert ThresholdsStores data thresholds which will trigger alerts / notifications to be sent.
NWSNews EventsStores Schools and District News Articles.
OBCObservation Codes
OBJTest ObjectivesTest objectives for “Teacher Made Test” – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
ODCOther District CoursesThis table is used to match incoming courses from Records Transfer with local courses.
ODEOther District EnrollUsed to track student enrollment outside of your district
ODRDigital Store Order
OGCOff Grade CoursesStores courses taken outside the normal grade range that could be in a student’s Course History and should be counted as a regular course
OHIDigital Store Order History
OPTOptions TableUsed by reports and Forms – School wide options which ADD to Variables
OMTOther Medical TestsStores additional medical tests, including COVID-19 tests.
PAOPortal Account OptionsContains Portal Account Options for use with Google Classrooms.
PAYPaymentsRecord of payments made through the Billing process
PCTCELDT Test Pre IDContains data for export for CELDT Pre ID - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
PDRParent Document RequestsHolds the Document Requests
PDTParent Document TranslationsHolds the Translations by CL for Document Requests
PEIPre-Enrollment Information
PFSPhysical Fitness SetupStores specific Tests selected by administrators to be performed at the school level.
PFTPhysical FitnessContains results of Physical Performance Testing
PGMSpecial Program DetailsContains details of Special Programs in which students are participating
PGRProgramming Screening

PGSProgram Services
PHECAHSEE Test Pre IDContains data for export for CAHSEE Pre ID  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
PHLPortal Usage LogStores username, school, student id, date, and page information accessed by parents or students through the Parent Portal, Mobile Portal app, Aeries Student app or other vendor Student apps.
PICStudent PicturesStores student pictures. The table is ID based and it is not cached because of its potential big size.
PNPParent Notification PrefAeries Web Only.  Contains information about when parents want to receive Weekly Notification Emails.
POPPortal OptionsStores various options for the Teacher, Parent and Student Portals.
PRCPreRef Inv CodesStores Pre-Referral Intervention Codes.
PRDParent Response Data
Stores parent response data for Housing Questionnaire
PRETexas Assessment Precode Accommodations (before 2013 was STAR Test Pre ID)Stores Texas Assessment Precode file data. 
PRESTARSTAR Test Pre IDData previously stored in PRE table (Before 2013, PRE was used to contains data from variety of sources to create a Pre ID file for export to STAR).
PRIPreReferral InterventionStores Pre-Referral Interventions for each student.
PRNPreReferral InterventionStores Meetings and Contacts for each Pre-Referral Intervention.
PRRPreRef Inv ReasonsStores Reasons and Concerns for each Pre-Referral Intervention.
PRSParent Survey ResponseStores parent responses to survey items.
PRTPrinter Margin OffsetsProvides alignment of printer to output a variety of reports on preprinted forms
PSASABE Test Pre IDContains data for export for SABE Pre ID  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
PSBSmarter Balanced Pre-IDContains data for export for Smarter Balanced Pre ID - Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
PSDPayment Schedule DatesContains Payment Schedules for Billing
PSSPostsecondary Survey ResultsContains postsecondary survey results from students 6-12 months after their High School Completion
PSTPayment Schedule TypesDefines the Payment Schedules available for Billing
PWAParent Web AccountsParent and Student Account Management System stores accounts in this table. This table is not modified through Aeries because the system is self-managing – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
PWSParent Accounts - StusStores the students that can be seen by each PWA account. Student numbers are stored by Permanent ID Number. This table is global in AeriesCS   – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
QRYQuery StatementsStorage of many QUERY statements for use by all users
RALRecord Access LogRecord of those who have accessed the student data, cumulative record or test scores
RCHReport Card HistoryAeries Web Only.  Contains a running history of report cards that have been created at the end of each marking period.
RELReligionContains Religious information
REQGraduation RequirementsMaintains graduation requirements   – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED.
RETRetentionsRecord of Retention actions, whether retention occurred or was set aside and for what reason
RFIReferral for InvStores Referrals for Intervention for each student.
RFPReferral for Inv PriorStores Prior Interventions for each Referral for Intervention.
RFRReferral for Inv ReasonsStores Reasons and Concerns for each Referral for Intervention.
RFSReferral for Inv Stu StrStores Student Strengths for each Referral for Intervention.
RHSReport HistoryLogs reports run in Aeries Web
RJNRejoindersThis table is used to log parent's protest to data retained in any student record (e.g., parent letter of protest to student's records) in accordance with California Ed. Code 49070(d) and 49072.
ROLRollover SettingsAeries Web Only.  Stores settings used by the New Year Rollover process
RPPReport Printing PacketsStores definitions of Reports to be printed in packets for various reasons
RRIRecords Request Items
RRQRecords Requests
RT_CHIRecords Transfer Course History InstitutionsThis is a records transfer holding table.  It is used to store a copy of incoming CHI data before it's imported.
RT_CSTRecords Transfer Content Standards ScoresThis is a records transfer holding table.  It is used to store a copy of incoming CST data before it's imported.
RT_CTSRecords Transfer College Test ScoresThis is a records transfer holding table.  It is used to store a copy of incoming CTS data before it's imported.
RT_HISRecords Transfer Course HistoryThis is a records transfer holding table.  It is used to store a copy of incoming HIS data before it's imported.
RT_TSTRecords Transfer Testing DataThis is a records transfer holding table.  It is used to store a copy of incoming TST data before it's imported.
RTG Report Tags
RTMRecords Transfer MessagesStores system and user messages specific to a records transfer (RTR or RTO) record.
RTORecords Transfer Outbound RequestsStores data regarding student records which were requested from another school district.
RTRRecords Transfer Inbound RequestsStores data regarding student records which are being requested by another school district.
RUNRun Timed ProceduresSet of procedures that can be run at night to expedite use of the program during the day
RVMRubric Value Marks
RVTRubric Value Types
SAASummer Alternate Course Request Assoc.
SABSummer Alternate Course Req. Backup
SADStudent Assess DefContains Performance Indicators against which student success is measured
SAGStudent Assess GradesStores Student Assessment Definition levels by grade
SAPStudent Assess PerfContains the actual Performance Indicator Scores each student – NEW 5 Levels

Summer Alternate Course Requests

SAS(OLD) Stu Assess Setup
SAVSave File for SECContains Student Schedule Changes for use by the Add/Drop Report
SBCStandards-Based CommentsContains Comments that are given at grading time to an Elementary student
SBDStandards-Based DetailsStores Standards-Based Template Details.
SBEStandards-Based SetupContains the Categories and Standards selected for Elementary report cards  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
SBGStandards-Based GradesContains Grades given to Elementary Students
SBHStandards-Based HistoryHistory of Grades given to Elementary Students
SBRStandards-Based CoursesStores a link between Courses (CRS) and Standards (STN)
SBSStandards-Based TemplateStores Standards-Based Templates.
SBUScheduling BackupsThis is a key to each backup table (i.e. backup title, date, sequence). Aeries Web only at this time.
SBVStandards-Based MarksContains all possible Grades or Marks and descriptions that might be given to Elementary students   – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
SCDSchool of Choice Decisions
SCGSchool  GroupsSchool Group School assignments
SCHSeating Chart Table
SCNSchool of Choice Request Notes
SCOScoliosisContains history of details of Scoliosis Tests
SCPScrip PurchasesContains Student Scrip Purchases
SCRSchool of Choice Requests
SDTSeating Chart Details
SECStudent ClassesRelationships of Student Numbers to Master Schedule section numbers – Student Schedules
SEDScheduling Exclusions
SFLStudent FilesStudent File Storage
SGAStudent Group Analytics
SGDStudent Group DefinitionStores the definition of Student Groups
SGMStudent Group MembersStores the Students assigned to each Student Group
SGSStudent Group StaffStores the Staff assigned to each Student Group
SKTSkills Type
SLAService Learning Areas
SLDService Learning DataAeries Web Only.  Contains the specific Service Learning Requirements and Service Learning Hours Completed for each student for each grade level.
SLHService Learning Hours
SLIService Learning Log ImgAeries Web Only.  Contains images and other documents related to each Service Learning Log (SLL) record.
SLLService Learning LogAeries Web Only.  Contains a log of Service Learning Hours worked by students for specific organizations.  Records and pending approval until school personnel approve them.
SLOService Learning OrgsAeries Web Only.  Contains information about organizations that students can donate their time to for building Service Learning Hours.
SLQService Learning Org. Areas
SLRService Lrning RecipientAeries Web Only.  Contains detailed information about specific organizations that students are donating their time to.  Some records may be pending approval by school personnel or be linked to pre-approved organizations in the SLO table.
SMBSched Master Sched BkupThis table is exactly like SMS, only stores multiple sets of SMS data based on the # of backups made. Aeries Web only at this time.
SMSSched Master SchedThe Master Schedule for the next semester or year – for planning purposes – Scheduling
SOCSusp Offense CodesRetains specific data, usually Ed Code, which assist in determination of specific Suspension Action  – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
SPCStaff PicturesStores Staff pictures
SPPStudent Program ParticipationContains Program Participation for each Student to provide for dis-aggregation of data 
SPRSchool ProgramsContains details of Special Programs in which all students at a school are participating
SPSStudent Program SetupDefines which programs are to be used for dis-aggregation of data
SPTSystem Performance TestAeries Web Only.  This table is used by back-end processes in Aeries Web to determine if the system is performing effectively.
SRBSummer Requests Backup
SRDSynchronization Review Date
SSASummer School Availability
SSBStudent Scheduling BkupThis table is exactly like SSS, only stores multiple sets of SSS data based on the # of backups made. Aeries Web only at this time.
SSCSummer School Courses
SSDSecondary Student DataContains additional Student Data 
SSEStaff SectionsContains Staff records assigned to Master Schedule sections
SSMStaff-Scheduling MasterContains Staff records assigned to Scheduling Master Schedule sections
SSPSAML Service Providers
SSOSingle Sign OnAeries Web Only.  Contains temporary information for facilitating Single-Sign-On capabilities with 3rd party systems.
SSRSummer School Course Requests
SSSStudent SchedulingContains Students Schedules for the next semester or year – for planning purposes.
SSTSummer School Terms
SSUStaff-Scheduling Master BackupStores multiple sets of Staff Section data from SSM based on the number of backups made.
STAStaff AssignmentsContains required information about the current assignments of staff members for State Reporting – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
STARSTAR Test ResultsRaw test scores imported from the STAR CD
STCStaff CredentialsContains required information about the current credentials of staff members for State Reporting – Can be DISTRICT MANAGED
STEStaff Raw CredentialsStores imported credential data from standard CTC file layout distributed to counties and districts
STFStaffContains CBEDS required demographic information about current staff members for State Reporting
STGSeatingContains seating chart information – used by Attendance by Photograph in the Teacher Portal
STHStaff Highly QualifiedStores the Highly Qualified Status for particular NCLB Core Areas for each staff member
STJStaff Job AssignmentsContains job classifications and assignments for each staff member.
STNStandardsContains all possible Categories and Standards that can be printed on a report card
STOScrip StoresContains Information regarding Stores from which Students can purchase items using scrip
STPScrip Store PercentagesContains Percentages of purchases
STRStreet tableData of all streets, including from-to numbers to determine school of residence and next school
STSState Test SettingsStores State Test Settings.
STUStudent DataStudent demographics
SUPSupplementalSupplemental Student demographics (up to 150 District developed fields)
SWLScheduling Master Schedule Wait List
TAATeacher Stu Assoc AreaAeries Web Only.  Used by the Aeries Web Teacher Portal to store the ways a teacher is associated with students.  This information is populated every time a teacher logs in to Aeries Web.
TADTesting Administrations Stores Testing Administration settings.
TBCTextbook CopiesContains all of the individual textbook copies and their assignment (who they’re checked out to)
TBLTables to UpdateAeries Client Only.  The tables to update during Update District Database
TBOTextbook OptionsContains options about scanning and hand-entry of textbook assignment data
TBTTextbook TitlesContains information about textbook titles including total copies and replacement costs
TCHTeachersContains basic information about Teachers
TDFTranscript DefinitionDefines the content of the District’s Transcripts
TEXTesting ExceptionsContains accommodations, modifications and info as to why a student missed a scheduled test
TFLTeacher FilesAeries Web Only.  Contains the files uploaded by teachers to link with Aeries Web Gradebook Assignments.
TFRTable-Field RulesDefines which fields and drop downs on a form are required.
TKNTokenStore the token for the upcoming new Aeries Student app.
TNPTesting Number PossibleStores specific Test ID’s and the total number that is possible for each part.
TPEThird Party Extracts
TPNThird Party NamesStores Third Party Names.
TPOThird Party Vendor Options
Stores Third Party Options) for use with Aeries APIs
TPPThird Party PermissionsStores Third Party Permissions.
TPSTesting Pass StatusStores calculated status for Algebra I, CAHSEE, and Physical Fitness
TRMTermsDefine school terms
TSATeacher Stu AssocAeries Web Only.  Used by the Aeries Web Teacher Portal to store which students are linked to a teacher and how.  This table is associated with the TAA table and is populated dynamically when a teacher logs in to Aeries Web.
TSDTeacher StandardsStores teacher defined standards by class.
TSITemporary Student Information
TSOTeacher Standard OptionsStores standard grading options by teacher and class.
TSTTesting dataContains a history of State and Local standardized test scores
TTCTables To CopyContains a list of tables to copy when transferring a student between schools
TTMTranscript TermsStores starting and ending dates for terms defined in HIS for all previous years.  CSIS use ONLY.
TTPThings to Print (Trans)Defines which Test Scores, Activities, Immunizations, Student fields etc. are to print on Transcripts 
TXTQuery Letter TextStores letters developed in the QUERY Letter Text Editor, some of which can be District Standard
UAOUser Account OptionsContains User Account Options for use with Google Classrooms.
UGAUser and Group AssocAeries Web security table to store User and Group Memberships.
UGCUser/Group Codes
Aeries Web security table for code-based security. Currently used only in specific areas of the system such as Financials.
UGNUser and Group NamesAeries Web security table to store information about Users and Groups.
UGPUser and Group PermAeries Web security table to store permissions granted to Users and Groups.
USOUser OptionsStores various options for individual users that need to be associated with an individual database
USRUser Limitation (CS)Aeries Client Only.  Stores permissions for the different users to access various schools.
UTZUtilizationSystem Check and Aerie
VACVaccination RequirementsUtilized to update required immunizations for the current state requirements.
VERVerificationContains the sheet numbers of absence verification sheets printed
VICVictimsStore information for Victims of harassment or any other offenses
VISVisitationContains detail for one of the two Counselor Tables - Less detail than CNF (both can be used)
VNDVendorsVendors for the Textbooks
VSNVisionContains history of details of Vision Tests
WEBWEB UsersContains information about the valid users of ABI - Not used for Aeries Web
WGMWeb Global MessagesContains global messages displayed to users
WIAWhat if AssignmentsContains the assignment scores for the What If feature available in the Aeries Student app
WIGWhat if GradesContains the student ID, gradebook number, gradebook term and other settings for the What If feature available in the Aeries Student app
WIHWhat if HistoryContains score goals and other settings for the What If feature available in the Aeries Student app
WITWitnessStore information for Witnesses of harassment or any other offenses
WPTWork PermitsRecord of Work Permits issued to Students
WPVWork Permit VisitationsAeries Web Only.  Contains information about visits to work places by CTE/ROP teachers when students are interning at places of employment.
XRFCross ReferenceTool for District to match criteria required by Testing Pre-IDs and location of data in AERIES
YTDYear to Date AttendanceContains Student Attendance data from the beginning of school to the current date