

Add Recipients

Filtering Results

Composing the email


Users navigate to School Info > Send Emails

Teachers Navigate to Teachers Misc > Send Emails

The Send Emails page provides a way to email Parents and Students individually or by Student, Section, Class, Teacher, Grade or a KEEP statement. The message body has formatting options for font, color, images, links, etc. Attachments can be included also. The Recipient and Sending options available are different for Teachers and Users.

Send emails form



Mass Email (EML)Insert

Use the Send Emails form. Emails are saved as Pending for approval.
Send emails directly to Recipients

Mass Email (EML)InsertSend Emails directly to Recipients without Approval
  • Attachments are saved to filestore under user folder and "SendEmails" folder
  • Attachment names have the table name (EML or LOG) appended with the EID or TID id number (e.g. FileStore/admin/SendEmails/File_EML_35.txt)


The 'From' email address is the address configured in District School Options.

The 'Reply to' email address automatically populates with that of the current User.

Add Recipients

To send an email to individual Recipients, type one or more email address in the “To:” text box, separated by commas or semicolons, or use the “Add Recipients” button to lookup Parent and Student email addresses. The Search options are different for Teachers and Users.

the to field and add recipients button


Teacher options include searching by Student, Period, Class, and My Students

Selecting Student in the “Search for Email Addresses by” section allows the Teacher to lookup email addresses by entering a Student Name, Student Number or Student ID.

The Period option allows the Teacher to select one of their periods to search.

period selection for searching

The Class option allows the Teacher to select a Class to search.

The My Students option allows the Teacher to search all of their Students.


The Student option allows the User to lookup email addresses by entering a Student Name, Student Number or Student ID.

Search Students option

The Section option allows the User to search Students by Sections.

search sections option

The Teacher option allows the user to search Students taught by a particular Teacher.

search by teacher option

The Grade option allows the User to search Students by Grade level.

The All Students Kept option is used after running a KEEP Statement, KEEPing Students from a Student Search or using a Student Group

all students kept option

NOTE: When using a KEEP query or searching for groups of email addresses, the form prevents search results/KEEP containing more than 500 Students. This limit prevents page timeout issues when adding an extremely large number of Recipients in a single search. To send more than 500 emails,  multiple searches can be utilized. Aeries recommends splitting large email jobs into multiple batches using appropriate KEEP queries as needed. The Send Emails form is not designed as a school-wide or district-wide mass communications system. Districts needing a more robust communications solution are encouraged to sign up for the Aeries Communications platform.

Filtering Results

You can filter the email addresses further by selecting just the Parents or the Students, or to include Inactive Students.

Checking Students includes email addresses from the Student Email Address (STU.SEM), as well as any Student Portal Accounts (PWA.EM). Checking Parents includes the Parent Email Address (STU.PEM), any Contact (CON.EM) email address where Allow Access to Portal (CON.AP) is set to 'Yes', as well as any Parent Portal Accounts (PWA.EM).

search filter options

Select the Recipients and click Add Selected. Alternatively, click Add All to add all Recipients from the current search results. You can remove any selected email from the list or Remove All and start over.

email selection options

add and remove recipients buttons

After the Recipients are selected, click OK. You can continue to add or remove Recipients using the Search Again button until the list is complete.  OK must be clicked after each new Recipient(s) is added. 

Composing the email

Once you have chosen the Recipients, add a Subject line and the write the body of the email. The text editor has formatting options for font, color, images, links, etc.  

Select Edit Signature to create a custom signature for your email. The signature can be saved for the current User and utilized for future emails. Select the Include Signature check box to add your custom email signature to the email. 

Include signature and edit signature options

edit signature text box

Select Upload Attachments to open a file selection dialog which can be used to add file attachments to your email. Attachments should not exceed 3MB. 

upload attachments button

Once the email is complete, Teachers and Users have different options. Teachers can choose to Send the email:

Send email button for teachers

Send email confirmation message

Users who do not have 'Delete' to EML can only submit the email for approval by Admins or Users who have Delete permissions.

Admins and other Users with permissions can Send Email or View Pending Emails to approve them.

Options to send email or view pending emails

When the View Pending Emails button is clicked, all Pending emails appear for approval.

Clicking OK sends the email, Reject deletes the email.

The Options button shows the current settings for Auto/Mass creating portal accounts.

the options button shows the current portal account auto create options

When all emails have been sent, the User will be notified the process is complete.

NOTE:  To ensure privacy, the Send Emails process sends individually addressed email messages to each Recipient, rather than a single email utilizing CC or BCC.