The California Basic Educational Data System - Online Reporting Application (CBEDS-ORA)  page is used to provide access to CBEDS-ORA application which is used to report School Information Form (SIF) and County District Information Form (CDIF) data.

The California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) is an annual data collection administered in October. CBEDS data are reported through an Online Reporting Application (CBEDS-ORA). The purpose of CBEDS is to collect data about schools and districts, as well as some aggregate data on students and staff.

The Aeries Create CBEDS ORA Files form in Aeries allows you to create the SIF and CDIF file.  Specific sections of the CDIF and SIF reports can be selected.  

It is highly suggested that all information extracted should be manually verified for accuracy.  After the file is created it can then be imported into the CBEDS DEA software. 

The following information can be collected:

1.  The County/District Information Form (CDIF) requests information on the following:

A. Classified staff - Number of district staff members by type, gender, and racial/ethnic designation.  Pulls from the Staff (STF) and Staff Assignments (STA) forms.

2.  The School Information Form (SIF) requests information on the following:

A.  Classified staff - Number of school staff members by type, gender, and racial/ethnic designation.  Pulls from the Staff (STF) and Staff Assignments (STA) forms.

D.  Educational calendar - Type of calendar on which the school operates. Also the schools start and end dates.  Pulls from the School Information (LOC) form and the Calendar (DAY) table.


Note:  The Create CBEDS ORA Files should be run from the current year database.  All the information collected is for the current school year.

Please refer to the following link for more information:  California Department of Education CBEDS Information

Please note some of the information on this report cannot be calculated by Aeries and must be filled in by hand for each school site. The following sections will not be extracted and will need to be entered manually. 


  • CDIF Section B - Estimated Number of Teacher Hires 
  • CDIF Section C - Work Visa Applications
  • CDIF Section D - Home-to-School Transportation Data
  • SIF Section B - Kindergarten Program Type
  • SIF Section C - Work Visa Applications
  • SIF Section E - Estimated Number of Teacher Hires


Administer permissions to the State Reporting Security item are needed to run the CBEDS ORA Export Files.