This page is used to set up Analysis Indicators for a large variety of data points. Indicators can be created for attendance, grades, College Career Indicators, college entrance requirements, test scores, discipline counts, program participation or field values. These Indicators contain five-level rubric scores that are displayed in the Analytics charts.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Testing Indicator
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Grades Indicator
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Gradebook Missing Assignments
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Content Standards
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Attendance
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Attendance Notes
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Field Value Range
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - ADS Disposition Count
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - ADS Disposition Days Count
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - ADS Violation Count
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Intervention Count
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - CCI College/Career
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Graduation Requirements
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Retention Counts
Item Types for One-to-Many Table Indicators
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator with Type of Count of Codified Text Field
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator with Type Record Exists: Yes/No (Generic)
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator with Type of Sum of a Number
Navigate to Aeries Analytics > Configs/Functions > Item Definitions.
The Item Definitions page will allow you to customize each Indicator and label layout. During the nightly process calculations are done for each Indicator to determine the number of students and percentage for each rubric level by school and grade.
Below is an example of an Attendance Indicator with a defined threshold.
NOTE: When first beginning with Aeries Analytics, default Indicators are added to the system. These defaults rely on codes that are found in the Aeries Demo Database. Those codes may not match your own. The default Indicators should be updated to use your own local codes as appropriate. Specifically, please check Indicators for EL Status, Assertive Discipline (ADS), Attendance (ATT), and all Indicators using Subject Area (Gradebook, Report Card, Transcript, and Credits).
Label Layouts↑
The first step to creating an Indicator is to set up the Label Layout for it. Clicking on the Label Layouts tab will allow you to add or update a label layout for the Indicator. Existing Label Layouts display on the left side of the page.
To add a new Label Layout, click on Add Layout. Each layout contains 5 levels. The values in the Level Code field display on the Dashboard Legend. The Description field information displays on the Item Thresholds for reference when setting up the threshold values.
Enter a value for the Label Layout Code and the Label Layout Name. This Code can be up to 3 characters long
The Level Code fields default to values of 1-5. The Level Description fields will also display default descriptions. The Level Code and Description values can be edited as well as the colors. To edit the Level Code click in the Code field and enter a new value. The Level Code can be up to 10 characters long. The tab key can be used to move to the Description field. Enter a new description for the code. To change the color of the code click on the Color dropdown and select the new color. After all information has been added click Save to save the new label layout.
The new saved Label Layout will display in the list on the page and can now be used with an Item Definition.
The Item Definition page will allow you to enter and set up various Early Warning Indicators. To add a new Indicator, click on the Indicator drop-down list on the top left of the page. Next click on Add Indicator.
There are several different types of Indicators that can be set up, depending on the types of items to be analyzed. Separate sections below outline how to set up each type of Indicator.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Testing Indicator↑
The following example will be a Testing Indicator. Enter a Title and a Short Title. Click on the Type drop down and select the type of Indicator.
Next select the Label Layout from the dropdown.
To have an Indicator calculate Early Warning Points for students, check the Early Warning Indicator box. If this box is not checked, early warning points will not be calculated for the Indicator.
Click on the Test ID drop down to select a test that has been set up in the Testing Control Table. Next click on the Test Part drop down to select a part number.
Click on the Date Options drop down to select a specific type of date. The page will display specific date selections depending on the Date Options.
Click on the Score Field dropdown to select the score to be used when displaying the students' achievement in the dashboard.
Verify that all options selected for the new Indicator are correct. Click on Save. The new Indicator will display in the Indicator menu on the left side of the page.
An Indicator Thresholds area will display at the bottom of the page for the new definition.
A default threshold for School = All and Grade = All displays for all Indicators. This default Indicator is needed in order for the Process Indicator function to run correctly.
To update the Early Warning Value for each Level of the Indicator click on Edit under the Indicator Thresholds. Enter a value for the fields.
Additional thresholds can be added to an Indicator. If a specific school or grade has a different set of thresholds click on Add Threshold to add an additional threshold.
To add a threshold for a specific school and grade, select the school and grade from the dropdown list. Set up each Rubric level and Early Warning Value. Click on Update.
The following is an example of thresholds set up differently than the default threshold for school 990 and grades 3 and 4.
To exclude a school from being included in the Indicator Summary Data and also to exclude it from adding Early Warning Points to a student, set up a threshold for that school and check the NA option. Any threshold marked with an NA will be excluded except for the threshold with School = All and Grade = All. This default Indicator is needed in order for the Process Indicator function to run correctly.
The threshold area also has a Copy button. Clicking on Copy next to an existing threshold will allow the user to copy that existing threshold into a new threshold.
When a threshold is copied, the new threshold will display in edit mode. Make any necessary changes to the new threshold and then click on Update to save it.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Grades Indicator↑
To set up a grades definition enter the Title, Short Title and select the Grade Indicator in the the Type drop down. The page will re-display with default values in the Limit By, Subject Area/Department Code and Which Mark in Grd fields.
Enter the appropriate values in these fields depending on if the Indicator should analyze the course by Subject Area or Department Code, and which grade value should be analyzed.
Click on Save. The five threshold fields will default to the grades set up in the Update Valid Marks page. These marks are stored in the GRC table.
If a specific mark is needed that is not included in the default Marks click on Edit. Click into the appropriate field and add the missing mark by selecting it from the dropdown. Click on Update after adding the new marks.
The new mark will now display in the Thresholds tab. For example below the NM mark now display under 1-Far Below Standard.
To update the Early Warning Value for each Grade Level click on the Edit button and then enter the selected value in the Early Warning fields. For example EWV1 below has been changed to 5.
Click on Update. The Early Warning Value will now display on the Threshold.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Gradebook Missing Assignments↑
To set up a Gradebook Missing Assignments definition enter the Title, Short Title and select the Gradebook Missing Assignments Indicator in the Type drop down. The Limit By field will have the option to select either Subject Area or Department Code. This Indicator works with Schools that have a Course Table.
The Gradebook Missing Assignments Indicator Threshold values use Numeric ranges. The Indicator process looks at the Gradebooks from the Subject Area or Department Code that have the most current term and then only those current term missing assignments are totaled. For example, if Math was selected, current term Math missing assignments would be totaled or missing assignments for the most recent Math Gradebook term.
NOTE: To be able to view the list of students that the Indicator processes the user account has to have Read permission to the Gradebook (GBK) security area.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Content Standards↑
To set up a Content Standards Indicator, enter the Title, Short Title and select CST in the Type drop down. Select the preferred Label Layout.
In the Test ID field, select the exact name of the Test ID and Test Part used to calculate the Student Performance Level. Located below the Test ID field are selections for Date Options.
Verify that all options selected for the new Indicator are correct. Click on Save.
NOTE: The Test ID selected MUST be set up in the Content Standard Table (CSN).
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Attendance↑
The Attendance Indicators can be set up for ATT Percentage or ATT Threshold in the Type drop down. The Attendance (ATT) table is analyzed. Thresholds can be set up to calculate whether or not the student is meeting the school's attendance standards. When processed it will include students enrolled 10 or more full days.
Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select the ATT Percentage or ATT Threshold option.
From the Label Layout drop down select the appropriate label layout to use with the Attendance Indicator.
If dates are entered into the Date Range fields, then only the attendance between that date range will be analyzed for this Indicator. If a partial month date range is specified ex: 10 calendar days, the date range should be 11 days so the full 10th day is included. If the Date Range fields are left blank the attendance for entire school year (up to the current day) will be analyzed.
Click on Save after all selections have been made. The Indicator Thresholds will display. Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning value if appropriate.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Attendance Notes↑
An Indicator can be set up for Attendance Note counts. Select Attendance Notes in the Indicator Type dropdown. The Attendance (ATN) table is analyzed based on Attendance Codes selected to include. When processed it will include students who have any Attendance Notes with the selected Codes for the Date Option specified. The Indicator thresholds use numeric ranges to process the information.
The Indicator Thresholds use numeric ranges to process the information.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Field Value Range↑
The numeric Field Value Range Indicators can be set up to process any numeric field in the Students (STU) table or 1:1 related tables such as Language Assessment (LAC). Examples of Indicators that can be created using the numeric field value range type are EL Years in Program or GPA’s.
Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select Field Value Ranges. Select a Label Layout from the Label Layout drop down list. Select the appropriate Table and Field for the Indicator and then click on Save.
The Indicator Thresholds will display. Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning value if appropriate.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - ADS Disposition Count↑
An Indicator can be set up for a count of incidents per student for one or more selected Disposition (DSP) (i.e., Administrative Decision) codes. Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select ADS Disposition Count. Select a Label Layout from the Label Layout drop down list. Date options include a Date Range. Enter a date range for data to display. Using Date Range will include any incidents within that specified date range. If the date range fields are left blank the entire current school year will be processed. Other Date Options include Any Time This Year and Any Time This Year plus previous years. For the Any Time This Year or Previous Year options the process will look to include any incidents starting from July 1 of the selected years.
Select the disposition codes to include from the Disposition Codes to Include area. After all information is selected, click on Save.
Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning values.
NOTE: If a student has multiple dispositions attached to the same incident, they will only be counted once
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - ADS Disposition Days Count↑
An Indicator can be set up for a count of ADS Disposition Days. Enter a Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select Disposition Days. Select a Label Layout from the drop down list. Date options include a Date Range. Enter a date range for data to display. Using Date Range will include any incidents within that specified date range. If the date range fields are left blank the entire current school year will be processed. Other Date Options include Any Time This Year and Any Time This Year plus previous years. For the Any Time This Year or Previous Year options the process will look to include any incidents starting from July 1 of the selected years.
Select disposition codes to include for the Indicator by checking codes in the Disposition Codes to Include area. Once all information is entered, click on Save.
Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning values.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - ADS Violation Count↑
An Indicator can be set up for a count of incidents per student for one or more selected Assertive Discipline (ADS) violations. Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select ADS Violation Count. Select a Label Layout from the Label Layout drop down list. Date options include a Date Range. Enter a date range for data to display. Using Date Range will include any incidents within that specified date range. If the date range fields are left blank the entire current school year will be processed. Other Date Options include Any Time This Year and Any Time This Year plus previous years. For the Any Time This Year or Previous Year options the process will look to include any incidents starting from July 1 of the selected years.
Select the assertive discipline codes to include from the Assertive Discipline Codes to Include area. After all information is selected, click on Save.
Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning values.
NOTE: If a student has multiple violations attached to the same incident, they will only be counted once.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Intervention Count↑
An Indicator can be set up for a count of Interventions. Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select Intervention Count.
Select a Label Layout from the Label Layout drop-down list. Date options include a Date Range. Enter a date range for data to display. Using Date Range will include any interventions within that specified date range. If the date range fields are left blank the entire current school year will be processed. Other Date Options include Any Time This Year and Any Time This Year plus previous years. For the Any Time This Year or Previous Year options the process will look to include any interventions starting from July 1 of the selected years.
Select the intervention codes to include from the Intervention Codes to Include area. After all information is selected, click on Save.
Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning value.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - CCI College/Career↑
An Indicator can be set up to analyze student completion of measures related to California College and Career Readiness by using the CCI Indicator Type. The CCI Indicator Type will only process students in grades 9-12.
To set up a CCI Indicator, enter a Title, Short Title and select CCI from the Type drop down list.
Select a Label Layout from the Label Layout drop-down list. The Measure field allows the selection of a specific Measure or Overall to analyze.
Once created, threshold ranges can be set up. An Early Warning value can also be populated.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Graduation Requirements↑
To set up a graduation requirements definition enter the Title, Short Title and click on the Type drop down and select Graduation Requirements.
Note: The Graduation Requirements Indicator will only process students in grades 9 – 12.
The Label Layout can be selected from the drop down list. Select a Subject Area from the drop down list. The Subject Areas come from the Requirements (REQ) table, which must be set up at the District level in addition to each high school for this Indicator to function properly. After all information is selected, click on Save.
The following will now display. By default, there is a global (All Schools / All Grades) threshold and a threshold for each grade level from 9-12. Due to the nature of graduation requirements, in most cases it will be appropriate to populate the 9-12 grade level thresholds and ignore the global threshold. Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning value. The values for this Indicator type refer to credits: the sum of credits completed, the credits currently enrolled in, and if the Academic Plan has been created it will also include the planned credits. For example, if a student has completed 20 English credits, is currently enrolled in 10 English credits and has planned to take an English class in their senior year, the qualifying value for this Indicator will be 40.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator - Retention Counts↑
The Retention Count Indicator can be set up to process a count of Retentions by Grade level. This type of Indicator provides the ability to analyze retention data from the Retentions (RET) table.
To set up a Retention count Indicator, enter a Title, Short Title and select Retention Count from the Type drop down list. Select a Label Layout and indicate if it should be considered an Early Warning Indicator.
Select the Retained Grades to include in the Indicator. Select which Retention Codes to Include in the Retention Count. Once all selections are made click on Save.
Once created, threshold ranges can be set up. An Early Warning value can also be populated.
Item Types for One-to-Many Table Indicators↑
Three generic Analytic Item Definition Types are available to create Item Definitions that work like multi table queries.
These Types will allow the analysis of any one-to-many student-related table. These Types include Count of Codified Text Field, Record Exists: Yes/No (Generic), and Sum of a Number Field. For these Indicator Types the drop-down menu will list all one to many student-related tables. If the database has one to many custom tables, those will also display.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator with Type of Count of Codified Text Field↑
The Count of Codified Text Field Type looks at any one to many student related table and allows the user to be able to drill down to tables that are related to the main one selected. An example of this would be Interventions (INV) and it's associated tables. Parent tables will be listed even if they are not student-related. An example of this would be in the Interventions (INV) and Intervention Goals (ING) tables are parent tables of Intervention Actions (INA).
Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select the Count of Codified Text Field option.
From the Label Layout drop down select the appropriate label layout to use. Indicate if this should be an Early Warning Indicator.
Selecting the Type Count of Codified Text Field will provide additional fields to use in analyzing the Indicator data. These include:
- Table to Count - This drop-down will list all one-to-many student-related tables. If the database has one-to-many custom tables, those will also display. Related tables will include multiple levels deep.
- Table with Codified Field - This drop-down will list the same table you selected above along with all of its parent tables. Parent tables will be listed even if they are not student-related.
- Field - This drop-down will list all text fields available in the selected "Table with Codified Field".
- Date Filtering Type - Select Occurrence Date or Date Range. Occurrence Date can be used if it is a table that uses a single date. Date Range can be selected to determine a date range to analyze.
- Table with Date Field(s) - If a Date Filtering Type was selected, this drop-down will list the "Table to Count" along with its parent tables.
- Codes to Include - This grid will list all available codes for the selected "Table with Codified Field" and "Field". It will pull a combination of COD records and Fixed Codes.
Click on Save after all selections have been made. The Indicator Thresholds will display. Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning value if appropriate.
NOTE: Indicator Thresholds for this Item Type will be numeric bands
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator with Type Record Exists: Yes/No (Generic)↑
The Record Exists: Yes/No (Generic) Type will generate data based on a Yes or No value. This can be used to analyze data in Tables like District Assets Resource Assignments or Assertive Discipline for fields such as Law Enforcement Notified. If the database has one to many custom tables, those will also display.
Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select the Record Exists: Yes/No (Generic) option.
Selecting the Type Record Exists: Yes/No (Generic) will provide additional fields to use in analyzing the Indicator data. These include:
- Table to Analyze - This drop-down will list all one to many student-related tables. If the database has 1:many custom tables, those should be listed, too. Related tables will include multiple levels deep.
- Table with Codified Field - This drop-down will list the same table that was selected in the Table to Analyze field along with all of its parent tables.
- Field- This drop-down will list all text fields available to the table in the selected "Table with Codified Field"
- Date Filtering Type - If dates are involved with the Table to Analyze selection options display. Select Occurrence Date or Date Range. Occurrence Date can be used if it is a table that uses a single date. Date Range can be selected to determine a date range to analyze.
- Table with Date Field(s) - If a Date Filtering Type was selected, this drop-down will list the "Table to Analyze" along with its parent tables.
- Date Options - The user can limit by Date Range, Current, or pre-configured year options.
- Codes to Include - This grid will list all available codes for the selected "Table with Codified Field" and "Code Field for Filtering". It will pull a combination of COD records and Fixed Codes. If the field selected does not use codes, the system will try to detect if it's a Y/N field. A Y and N will display as available codes to select in this instance.
Click on Save after all selections have been made. The Indicator Thresholds for this Item type are a single value of Yes or No.
Setting Up an Analysis Indicator with Type of Sum of a Number↑
The Sum of a Number Type will list all numeric fields available in the selected "Table". If the database has one to many custom tables, those will also display. This Type can be used to analyze data such as a count of District Asset Assignments or Medication Doses.
Enter the Title and the Short Title. From the Type drop down select the Sum of a Number option.
From the Label Layout drop down select the appropriate label layout to use. Indicate if this should be an Early Warning Indicator.
Selecting the Type Sum of a Number will provide additional fields to use in analyzing the Indicator data. These include:
- Table - This drop-down will list all one-to-many student-related tables. If the database has one-to-many custom tables, those will also display. Related tables will include multiple levels deep.
- Field to Sum - This drop-down will list all numeric fields available in the selected "Table".
- Date Filtering Type - Select Occurrence Date or Date Range. Occurrence Date can be used if it is a table that uses a single date. Date Range can be selected to determine a date range to analyze.
- Table with Date Field(s) - If a Date Filtering Type was selected, this drop-down will list the "Table to Count" along with its parent tables.
- Occurrence Date Field - This drop-down will list all date fields available in the selected "Table with Date Field(s). This is usually a single date.
- Date Options - The user can limit by Date Range, Current, or pre-configured year options.
- Table with Codified Field - This drop-down will list the Table selected above along with all of its parent tables. Parent tables will be listed even if they are not student-related. Parent tables will go multiple levels high.
- Code Field for Filtering - This drop-down will list all text fields available in the selected "Table with Codified Field".
- Codes to Include - This grid will list all available codes for the selected "Table with Codified Field" and "Code Field for Filtering". It will pull a combination of COD records and Fixed Codes. If the field selected does not use codes, the system will try to detect if it's a Y/N field. A Y and N will display as available codes to select in this instance.
Click on Save after all selections have been made. The Indicator Thresholds will display. Enter the lowest range and the highest range for each threshold. Enter the Early Warning value if appropriate.
NOTE: Indicator Thresholds for this Item Type will be numeric
Student Sub Groups↑
Any group of Performance Bands on ANY Indicator can be defined as a student subgroup. This allows any indicator in the system to be cross referenced with any other indicator on the Dashboard. To set up a Sub Group select the Indicator and then click on the Student Sub Groups tab.
A total of 5 different Sub Groups can be created. In Group Title enter the Sub Group name. Select the Levels for Each Group.
For example, for the ELPAC Overall Beginning sub group, you might want to select Levels 1 and 2. Verify all options are correct for the Student Sub Group. Click on Save.
Summary Data↑
After the Indicator and Student Sub Groups have been set up, the Summary Data area can be used to view the summary data related to the Indicator. Click on the Summary Data tab.
To view Summary Data results for the Indicator, the Indicator first needs to be processed. The Process All Indicators button on Summary Data will update ALL Analysis Indicators. The Process Current Indicator button will update only the selected Analytics Indicator.
Once the Indicators are calculated, summary totals will display. Clicking on the icon next to a summary total will display all students associated with that percentage.
Copy an Indicator↑
An existing Analysis Indicator can be copied. To copy an existing Indicator click on Copy in the Indicator area.
An Indicator edit area will display with information copied from the existing Indicator. Information can be modified here before saving. Note the Title field will have a - COPY at the end of it. This is to indicate that this is the Copy. The title can be edited and the - COPY can be removed.
If the copied Indicator has the same Type value as the existing Indicator, on save the user will be prompted with a message asking "Do you want to copy the thresholds". Selecting OK to this message will copy the thresholds from the original Indicator to the new copied one.
After an Indicator has been copied and saved it will display in the Indicator drop down list with the other existing Indicators.