The LCAP Dashboards need to be initialized and processed before they are available to be viewed. This is done in the Analytics System Config page, which can be found in the Aeries Analytics | Configs/Functions node. 

Click on the Initialize LCAP Dashboards button to add the default LCAP Item Definitions, Dashboard Items, Dashboards, and other related Analytics records. Once the default records have been added to the system the button will be replaced by a message indicating that the initialization has completed.

Select either the Update Nightly Processing Information button or the Process All Indicators button to process the newly created LCAP records. This will create the Student Indicator Details and Item Summary table records. Depending on the size of your database the Process All Indicators could take several hours to run. We suggest allowing Aeries Analytics to process overnight by using the Update Nightly Processing Information button. 

Update LCAP Configuration

The LCAP Dashboards may be updated as new item definitions or charts are added or modified. When an update is available a message of Available Updates will display on the Analytics System Configuration page along with an Update button. Click on the Update button to install the update. Click on the Process All Indicators button to process the newly created/modified LCAP records immediately, or wait for the Nightly Process to process the records. If there are no new LCAP Dashboards available a message will display that there is no update available at this time. 

Nightly Processing

Once the LCAP Dashboards have been initialized we recommend turning on nightly processing. As the indicators are updated each night, the system will automatically process all of the LCAP and non-LCAP Analytic Indicators and determine student qualifications for each indicator. Totals and summaries are generated. This nightly processing allows the system to display information very quickly and efficiently on the dashboards the next day.

To turn on nightly processing click on the Update Nightly Processing Information button. The Analytics nightly processing runs at midnight. If other nightly processing functions are run that Analytics may take advantage of, for example Attendance History, those processes need to complete before the Analytics processing begins.

After the button has been selected the Updating Indicators Nightly message will change from No to Yes Database Connection Information Set and a Disable Nightly Processing option will appear. The Disable Nightly Processing button can be used to turn off the nightly processing. 

NOTE: The Analytics nightly processing runs at midnight. If other nightly processing functions are run that Analytics may take advantage of, for example Attendance History, those processes need to be scheduled so that they complete before the Analytics processing begins.