The Intervention Dashboard is a new tool that will help schools and districts analyze and recognize the frequency and distribution of various Intervention programs being administered. The Intervention Dashboard page can be accessed from the Navigation Tree by clicking the mouse on Student Data | Interventions. User must have at least Read access to Interventions to view this page.
The Year To Date, Show Total # Referrals, and Intervention Codes dropdowns contain many pre-defined settings to limit the output of the Dashboard. The Start and End Dates can also be used to limit the Dashboard to the Intervention records that fall within those dates. The Edit Codes button can be used to limit the intervention codes that will be analyzed. Once the desired changes have been made to the Interventions Dashboard click on the Refresh button to update the chart.
The Download Details button will produce an Excel list of the students included in the Dashboard Chart along with basic Intervention record details.
Hovering over a bar will display the count for that indicator.
Clicking on the column headers will sort the list in ascending order by that column, clicking the header a second time will sort it in descending order and clicking a third time will remove the sort. Clicking on the indicator will display a list of the students below the dashboard chart.
Clicking the View Details button will open up the Interventions record for that student in a new tab.
The Interventions by Referrer filter displays the top intervention referrers. This includes both staff from the INV.SRF field and any manual entries stored in the INV.RF field made on the Interventions page in the Referred By field.
NOTE: There should only be a value in one of these fields - Either the INV.RF or INV.SRF field in the Interventions (INV) table. If you have a value in both fields, the dashboard may not give you the expected results. When you enter data on the Interventions page, this is automatically handled for you. Use caution when importing or running queries to change the referred by fields to ensure that only one of these fields are populated. See Intervention Details for more information on these fields.
The Hot List displays the top intervention values for each of the categories in the Analysis column. The Description column will indicate the top value for each category. If there are multiple values with the same number of interventions, all values will be listed. In the example below, all 8 students who have 6 interventions are listed. The Hot List also honors all of the other dashboard filters used to limit the data.