Navigate to School Info > Student Groups
The Student Groups page allows you to create groups of Students for use throughout Aeries. These Groups can then be used to limit your view of Students to just those within the Group for use when running Reports and on various Forms. A Student Group can also be shared with one or more Teachers, allowing that Teacher to have visibility of those Students they wouldn’t normally have access to. Student groups can either be a static List of Students, or they can be a Dynamic Analytics Group or a Dynamic Group based on a Student (STU) field. In both cases, the group dynamically updates the list of Students to match data in Aeries Analytics or the selected Student criteria. With Aeries Communications, selecting the Communications View option automatically creates the Group in Aeries Communications.
Note: to use Student Groups with Aeries Communications, permissions to Student Groups needs to be granted on the API Security Page for that particular vendor.
Each Student Group must be associated with a School, and that School only has visibility to their own Groups, however all groups are accessible to users at the District level. Teachers can only view and have access to Student Groups that they are associated with by their Staff ID.
The page is available in both School and District.
Student groups can be printed individually from the Student Groups page by clicking on the Print button at the bottom of the page. At the District level, you can print either District-level Groups or School-level groups individually. At the School level, you can only print School-level groups individually.
In the Reports area of the navigation there is a rReport available under Student Data - Student Groups. This Report can be printed at either the District or School level. At the District level, there is a School selector option available. The District-level Groups print first (if selected) then the School-level groups for the School(s) selected.
If the Report is run at the School level, only Students at that School print, however District-level Groups that they are a part of are listed first, and then the School-level groups.