Running Custom Reports can be printed from the View All Reports page on the Custom Reports tab.
The following Printing Options will display.
Printing Options are available to limit the report to specific sections or classes, and to adjust the way the report looks when generated.
The various Options that are available represent defaults for printing options available to the user when printing.
- Include Inactive Students – the report will include inactive students while normally it doesn't
- Include Only Students with Data – limits the output of the report to only students with information in at least 1 column
- Show TST Grade – changes the output for each student to 2 lines and displays the Grade a student was in when they took an assessment below the score
- Excel Format – exports to Excel format
- Display Column Number instead of Column Name
- Suppress Page Breaks – will remove all page breaks between pages
- Display Horizontal Lines – displays a line between each student
- Display Vertical Lines – displays a line between each item on the report
- Alternate Column Shading - will alternate columns as white and light grey
- Display Legends – the color legend will print at the bottom of the report. Level descriptions do not print at this time.
When run without the teacher/class filters, students are listed by grade level as in the below example.
The above CELDT report was run with the following print options:
When printing test data, the test month and year will print below the test scores:
When using the Filter By options, the report generated will display the Teacher Name, Course Name, Section # and Period in the upper left corner of the report.
Note: Once the Filter By options have been selected, a refresh of the page (F5) is necessary in order to un-select these categories.
Custom Reports cannot be run from the district level at this time.