Dual Language Immersion


Navigate to Student Data > Programs > Language Assessment

The Language Assessment page allows schools to maintain information about a student's language assessment program participation, important dates, authorizations and needs, including testing dates, and Home Language Survey information. 

The page has four tabs:

  • General - General information about program participation
  • State Test - Testing records for determining the student's language status and needs
  • Test History - Stores hand entered information for “subsequent” tests (those taken after the “initial” test) in order to track the progress of the student.
  • Other - Stores hand entered records of other prior year Language tests that the district would like to track.
  • Waivers - Date and status records for program participation waivers.
  • Dual Language Immersion - Information about the student's participation in an immersion program.

The following are the details of the fields located on the Language Assessment Data page. 

The Table icon at the top of the page can be used to display the table and field information for every field on the page

  • The Reporting Language and Language Fluency fields are located on the Demographics page
  • The US School < 3 Years field is located on both the Demographics page and the Secondary Student Datapage
    • Please note, users will need appropriate permissions to the Secondary Student Data (SSD) table to view/update this field on the SSD page.
  • Test fields for English, Spanish and Other are used to enter initial test dates and scores. The test name drop down values come from the district Code (COD) table. The Language Designation  to the right of the test scores also comes from the district Code table. There is a function to Copy ELPAC Scores to LAC on the Language Assessment Management page to populate the English test score fields.
  • Home Language Survey:  First, at Home, Primary, and by Adultsfields are language codes from the State provided list.
    • First (LAC.L1) - The student's first language, as indicated on the Home Language Survey.
    • at Home (LAC.L3) - The primary language spoken at the student's home, as indicated on the Home Language Survey. 
    • Primary (LAC.L2) - The student's primary language, as indicated on the Home Language Survey.
    • by Adults (LAC.L4) - The primary language spoken by the adults in the home, as indicated on the Home Language Survey.
    • Survey Completed Date (LAC.HLD) - The date on which the Home Language Survey was completed. This can be auto-populated if a student is imported via the Online Enrollment import process and it is based on the date the Online Enrollment record was completed.
    • Source (LAC.SRC) - Indicates the survey completion method. An OE code will populate if the record was created via the Online Enrollment import process.

Students who were imported through Online Enrollment, the language fields will have a digital signature display.

The digital signature will become invalid if any of the fields are modified and saved. An alert message will display once if any one of the fields under Home Language Survey are modified and a digital signature exists, otherwise, no alerts will be displayed when entering or changing data anywhere on the Language Assessment page.

When performing data changes to the Home Language field with a digital signature, the following behaviors occur: 

  • When Survey Date Completed is modified, the Source will clear out if the previous and current Survey values are the same. 
  • When Source is modified, the Survey Date Completed will clear out if the previous and current Survey Date Completed values are the same.
  • After a field is modified, the first warning message displayed and if it is accepted by clicking Yes, the Survey Completed Date and the Source fields will clear out.

  • When attempting to save the changes by clicking on the main Save button of the Language Assessment page, a second warning message appears reminding the user that saving the changes will invalidate the digital signature. Clicking on No allows the user to cancel the process and will revert the Home Language Survey data to it's original results.

  • Initial ELPAC ResultInitial Date (ITD) and Initial Fluency (ITF) are populated when the Initial ELPAC student results are imported into Aeries using the Import Test Results page. These values are determined by the testing vendor based on the student's performance on the Initial ELPAC test. These fields can also be manually updated for students that transfer in from other districts.  
  • ELPAC Electronic Test Results - ELPAC State Electronic Test results can be downloaded from this dropdown when reports are available. The report type of PDF or  HTML is listed after the year and language that the report is in. The reports will open in a new tab. Please review the State Electronic Test Scores Reports articles for more information about these reports.Language Assessment - ELPAC Electronic Test Results dropdown

Important Dates

  • US Entry is the date the student arrived in the United States
  • US School Age 3 & Up - is a date field to document the first entry into a US school for Title III Immigrant  students and students receiving Special Education services who are at least 3 years old.  The State Reporting highlighted fields may not all be required or extracted in the CALPADS files. We highlight fields that may be needed for related CALPADS reporting.
    • If a preschool student is receiving Special Education services and has obtained an SSID, populate the US School Age 3 & up field with the date the student started preschool and populate the Initial US School Enrollment Date field with the date that the student started Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten or leave Initial US School Enrollment Date field blank.  
    • For more information see CDE: Title III Student National Origin Report (SNOR)  
  • US School K-12 (entry date) - The date of a student's first enrollment in a Transitional Kindergarten through twelfth grade public or private school (including any home schooling in grades K-12)  in the United States of America and Puerto Rico. This does NOT include United States territories.
  • CA School should be populated with the date the student entered a California School
  • District Entry is populated from the District Enter date on the student form
  • School Entry  is populated from the Enter Date on the student form

English Learner Program

  • EL Start Date and EL End Date are starting and ending dates for the student in the language program 
  • Yrs in Prgm is the calculated number of years in the program from the Start Date and current date
  • YPCalc Date is the last date the Years in Program field was re-calculated
  • Program is the instructional setting of the student
  • Curr Lang Des should be the definitive level of the student’s current designation in the language program
  • Lang of Inst is the language that is used in an instructional setting for this student
  • Eng Class Elig should be how the student would handle a mainstream environment
  • Srvcs Rcvd is a choice from a state list of the services being given to the student

Reclassification Information

  • Reasonable Fluency Dt is the date a student is designated to be reasonably fluent in English
  • RFEP Dt (Redesignation Dt) the date when the student was designated R-FEP
  • Code the code assigned to a student designated R-FEP
  • 30 Day and 180 Day Follow Up are follow up dates from the date entered in RFEP Date
  • 30 Day and 180 Day Code are codes assigned to a student after follow up
  • 1 year, 2 year, 3 year and 4 year Follow up are the follow up dates from the date entered in the RFEP Date field. 
  • 1 Yr Code, 2 Yr Code, 3 Yr Code and 4 Yr Code are codes assigned to a student after follow up
  • RFEP Calculation In the current year, the RFEP calculation is counting only valid school days until the end of the school year. The calculation then skips summer days and then assumes the first day of school for next year (based on the current year calendar) and continues. Thus, the 180 Day Follow-up date is based on 180 valid school days from the date of a student's redesignation (RFEP Dt), not 180 calendar days. 

Other Information

  • Birth City, State and Country – are populated from the Students form.
  • ELAS Code – English Language Acquisition Status Code is populated and updated from the CALPADS SELA ODS import. The processing of the SELA extract will look at these fields to determine if a student needs to be extracted.
  • ELAS Date – English Language Acquisition Status Date is populated and updated from the CALPADS SELA ODS import. The processing of the SELA extract will look at these fields to determine if a student needs to be extracted.
  • LTEL – Long Term English Learner designation field. 
  • Years EL – Years as EL in a US School
  • IFEP Date - the date when a student was determined to be IFEP (Initial Fluent English Proficient)
  • ADEL Date (LAC.AES) – Adult English Learner Start Date for Adult EL students (aged 22 or older)
  • User 1 – User 5 are populated with data determined by the school or district
  • Eng Lang Prof used to identify students who scored proficient or advanced on the ELA SBAC or CST for three years.
  • Comments - the comment area can be used to document any correction to the English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) designation that may have occurred in CALPADS. Please contact CALPADS for more information on proper procedures for making these corrections in the CALPADS system

English Learner Program - Calculate Years in Program for Current Student 

The calculate button shown below will become visible when the Language Assessment form is in edit mode.

Language Assessment - Calculate Years in Program button

The Calculate Years button will use the EL Start Date (LAC.SD) that the student entered the program and the Current Date to calculate the number of years the student has been in the Language Assessment program and store that value in the Yrs in Prgm (LAC.YP) field. The YPCalc Date (LAC.DC) field will update to reflect the last time the years in program was calculated. NOTE: the Calculate Years button will only update the current student, it will not update all students' years in program. The function to Calculate Years In Program For ALL Students resides on the Language Assessment Management page.


Dual Language Immersion  

Student participation in multi-year Dual Language Immersion (DLH) programs can be recorded on the tab provided. Permissions to the DLH table will be required to use this tab. Please see the Language Assessment Overview - Security article for more information

When a student has no Dual Language records, the tab will be blank. Press the Add button to add a record:

Language Assessment - Dual Language Immersion tab

Four fields can be used to record a student's historical and current participation:

  • Language:  the immersion language
  • Year:  each year of participation
  • Proficient Date:  if the student achieved proficiency in the language, the date can be recorded
  • Completed checkbox:  check to indicate if the student completed the program

If any state requirements exist for Dual Immersion programs, be aware of them. For example, for five years of participation in a five-year Spanish Dual Immersion program, five records would be added. If the student's participation resulted in completion and proficiency, the Proficient Date and Completed fields would be filled in for the final year's record:

Language Assessment - Dual Language Immersion records example