This article explains the security areas and permissions used by the Aeries Financials system.

The Aeries Financials system uses the following security areas (tables):

  • FTS - Financial Transactions Summary
  • FTD - Financial Transaction Details
  • FPS - Financial Transaction Payment Schedule

At least Read permission to FTS is required for any access to this feature. The FTS table contains information on the Livingtree payment portal setup and summary data such as the student's Next Payment Date, Next Payment Amount, and Remaining Balance. It does not contain any specific transactions. Users with Update permission to FTS will be able to create and update a students' Livingtree payment portal.

Users with Read permission to FTD will be able to view a detailed list of a student's financial transactions in Aeries, including payments and donations which have been made for the student via Livingtree. Users with Update permission to FTD will be able to create transactions, edit transactions, and manually process payments via Livingtree. Users with Mass Update permission to FTD will be able to use the Mass Add Financial Transactions form.

Users with Read permission to FPS will be able to view a student's existing Payment Schedule. Users with Update permission to FPS will be able to create and update a Payment Schedule for a student.