Navigate to Imports and Exports > State Seal of Biliteracy

 The State Seal of Biliteracy is only available at the school level of Aeries. At this time it is not available at the District level. 

The State Seal of Biliteracy can be processed in School Aeries after the 1st term grades have been populated in the transcripts for the 12th grade students. Normally this is after the Fall semester grades have been copied to Course History (HIS).

State Seal of Biliteracy page with English Proficiency Requirement tab:

State Seal of Biliteracy > English Language Requirement tab open

State Seal of Biliteracy Foreign Language Requirement tab:

State Seal of Biliteracy > Foreign Language Requirement tab open

The selections made on the English Language Requirement tab and the Foreign Language Requirement tab should be reviewed and updated to meet the needs of your school. The options are stored in the District Options (DPT) table so once they are selected for one school they will be pre-set for all schools. Users at other school sites can change these options, so they should be reviewed for accuracy prior to processing the students. For each criterion verify that the correct selections have been made and make any necessary adjustments by clicking on the individual code or description to toggle it either to checked or unchecked. 

English Language Requirement:

  • English Study Areas from Grad Req - select the subject area(s) that comprise the English graduation requirement
  • English AP Exams - select the AP exam(s) that would fulfill the English language proficiency requirement. CDE suggests AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature or Composition, or AP Seminar.
  • English IB Exams - select the IB exam(s) that would fulfill the English language proficiency requirement.
  • CAASPP ELA or successor test - 'Standard Met' - enter the information for the CAASPP ELA test administered in grade 11, or any locally determined standards-aligned 11th grade English language arts assessment that was taken in place of the CAASPP. For the CAASPP ELA the Test ID is SBAC, Part is English LangArts/Liter, Value is 3 and TST.PL should be selected. Only the 11th grade test scores will be evaluated per the State Seal of Biliteracy requirements. NOTE: for the 2020-21 school year this criterion is greyed out since the 11th grade CAASPP ELA is not a State Seal of Biliteracy requirement for the 2020-21 graduates. All 2020-21 students qualified and potentially qualified to receive the State Seal of Biliteracy will have "Not Applicable" for this requirement.
  • SAT I Read/Write - 480 or above - The SAT I criteria will only assess the SAT I Read/Write test part. CDE requires a score of 480 or more. 
  • English Learners - Additional Requirement - this criteria is hard-coded to review the ELPAC Oral Language test part. English Learner students must pass the Oral Language portion of the test with a performance level of 4.

Foreign Language Requirement:

  • Foreign Language Department - select the course department code(s) that indicate a course is in the foreign language department. Select the Foreign Language Department code before selecting the Foreign Language Courses. The course list will be limited by the courses within the selected department code(s).
  • Foreign Language Courses - select the course(s) that will be used to determine if the student successfully completed a four-year high school course of study in a foreign language. Select the Foreign Language Department code(s) before selecting the courses since the course list will limit to the courses within the selected departments.
  • Include Inactive Foreign Language Courses - select this option to display inactive courses in the list of Foreign Language Courses. This option should be selected if there are any foreign language courses in the students' transcript records that are no longer offered, but these inactive courses still meet the State Seal of Biliteracy requirements. The inactive courses are designated with an * before the course id. Please note that selecting or deselecting this option will automatically save all options on the page, but we highly recommend clicking on the Save Selections button to re-save all settings before processing the student records.

  • Foreign Language AP Exams (including ASL) - select the AP exam(s) that would fulfill the proficiency in one or more languages other than English requirement. Per CDE American Sign Language is considered to be a language other than English.
  • Foreign Language IB Exams - select the IB exam(s) that would fulfill the proficiency in one or more languages other than English requirement. 

Save Selections buttons - will save all of the options on the English Proficiency Requirement tab and the Foreign Language Requirement tab.

Include Inactive Students - select this option to include students that graduated early and are no longer enrolled.

Process Students - clicking this button will evaluate the 12th grade students' transcripts (HIS), current classes (SEC), 11th grade CAASPP ELA test score (TST), ELPAC Oral Language scores (TST), and AP, IB, and SAT I Read/Write College Test Scores (CTS) to determine which students will potentially qualify or do qualify for the State Seal of Biliteracy. The system will also use the Graduation Status (HSG) table to determine if they have fulfilled the English credits, so information about updating the High School Graduation Status table and a link to the Graduation/College Readiness Dashboard is at the bottom of the State Seal of Biliteracy screen.

These 2021-22 administration questions posted in the CDE State Seal of Biliteracy Frequently Asked Questions are already addressed in the Aeries State Seal of Biliteracy process:

  • Students must pass the 11th grade CAASPP ELA with Standard Met or above, or pass a locally determined standards-aligned 11th grade English language arts assessment that was taken in place of the CAASPP at the same level of proficiency - an alternate assessment can be entered on the State Seal of Biliteracy > Set Up > CAASPP ELA or successor test area. The system will check if the student passed the 11th grade CAASPP ELA test with Standard Met or above, and if they did not, then it will check if they passed the 11th grade local assessment selected in the option.
  • If a student took both the 11th grade CAASPP ELA test and the 11th grade locally determined ELA test, then the better of the 2 can be used to determine SSB eligibility - Aeries will check if the student passed the 11th grade CAASPP ELA test with Standard Met or above, and if they did not, then it will check if they passed the 11th grade local assessment selected in the option.
  • If a student didn’t take either test in the 2020-21 school year, then can still be administered the 11th grade local assessment test in the 2021-22 school year - Aeries does not limit the 11th grade ELA tests by the date they were taken, we only check that the test grade is 11th grade and the test id and part are the SBAC ELA or the locally determined test identified in the option.

As the State Seal of Biliteracy processes, the Report Tags (RTG) table is updated with a record for each student. The Potentially Qualified students will have a Report Tag (RTG.TG) value of "RQs" and the Qualified students will have a Report Tag (RTG.TG) value of "QF".

Selections on the Set Up form should be reviewed for accuracy prior to processing or re-processing the students.