Mid Year Scheduling Setup

Mid Year Scheduling Finalization

Mid Year Scheduling (for example, scheduling for the spring semester during the fall term of the school year) works in the same way as scheduling for next year. At scheduling setup and finalization, certain selections should be chosen for Mid Year Scheduling.

Once the Master Schedule (MST) table is copied to the Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) table, any current term scheduling changes must be entered in MST. These changes will automatically sync to the SMS. Changes to Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) records will be limited to new records that do not also exist in the Master Schedule (MST) buttons will not display for SMS records that exist in MST.

Mid Year Scheduling Setup

Filter Pages for "scheduling setup" or navigate to Scheduling Process > Configurations > Scheduling Setup. Alternatively, the Scheduling Setup Options form is available from the Setup / Config section of the Scheduling Dashboard

First, clear out the SSS and SMS by selecting the following options and then clicking on the Initialize Scheduling button:

Wait for the email confirmation that the process has completed. After you have received the email indicating that the process has completed successfully, return to the Scheduling Setup Options form.

The "terms to copy" and options choices may vary, depending on your school's MST and scheduling practices. To set up scheduling for a new term, with an SSS based on students' current classes and an SMS based on the current MST, select the following and press the Initialize Scheduling button:

Mid Year Scheduling Finalization 

After the current term has ended and student scheduling for the next term is completed, the SSS and SMS tables are copied to SEC and MST. For Mid Year Scheduling, Course Attendance (CAR) will be updated during the Copy Scheduling Results to SEC & MST function. 

NOTE: Existing MST records will NOT be updated by this process. Changes to MST sections must be made prior to running this function and they will sync to the corresponding SMS record with the matching section number. SMS records will be copied to MST only if the MST section does not already exist.

Filter Pages for "copy scheduling" or navigate to Scheduling Process > Functions > Copy Scheduling Results to SEC & MST. The same function is also available from the Finalize section of the Scheduling Dashboard.

After checking a checkbox to indicate acknowledgement of the warning messages, the following Options will display. 

If there are already MST records in the school, a new option will display to Select the terms to copy. By default, past and current terms will be unchecked in the new Terms option

Enter the starting date for the new term and press the Run Process button to roll the SMS into the MST:

When the sections are copied to the students schedule (SEC), Course Attendance (CAR) will also be updated. If a section with a Year term has been changed, a Course Attendance (CAR) Stop Date will be added and the new section will be updated.

If your school is an Elementary with a Master Schedule, in additional to the Terms options, you will see a few more options:

If only the "Update Student Teacher (STU.CU)" option is selected, the STU.CU field on each student's Demographics form will be updated with the new teacher number for the Attendance Period section, but attendance enrollment records will not be updated. 

If the "Update Student Attendance (ATT.TN)" option is selected, the Leave Date, Enter Date, and Reason dropdowns will display. New attendance enrollment records will be added based on the dates entered. 

If both options are selected, the student teacher (STU.CU) will be updated and attendance enrollment records will be added with the new teacher number for the Attendance Period section.