Question: What date should be used as the eligibility start/end date for Migrant Program - 135?
The Eligibility Start Date (PGM.ESD) within a Migrant Program (135) record should represent the date the student was determined to be eligible for the Migrant Program (at any school in California) for a particular eligibility period (maximum of three years). For example, if a student was identified during summer at the time of enrollment this would be the date to use for the eligibility start date.
The Eligibility End Date (PGM.EED) must either represent the date the student’s eligibility period expired or the date the student was determined to be ineligible for services within a school which could be a mid-year date if this is when the determination was made.
(Source: CALPADS Data Guide)
NOTE: In order to prevent GERR0005 errors in CALPADS when the Migrant Program (135) record for a student is generated, the record will extract with an Eligibility Start Date that aligns with the student’s first day of enrollment with the district.