Civil Rights Data Collection Reporting (CRDC) 

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) page and extract will assist you in collecting data for the U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection Report and is available in Aeries Web for the 2020-21 Civil Rights Data Collection.  This report provides information about the enrollment of, and the educational services provided to, students in public schools by race/ethnicity, sex, and disability.  Please note some of the information on this report cannot be calculated by Aeries and must be filled in by hand at each school site.

The Civil Rights Data Collection is a biennial survey of public schools and the data required for this report is stored in the prior year database. Since some schools store their data in different tables or fields the screens in Aeries allow you to select where your school stores this data.  Default buttons are also available on some of the screens that select where this data is normally stored within the Aeries database and will update the options. 

Please see the Civil Rights documentation for more information on how to set up and process the Civil Rights Data Collection.

Student National Origin Reporting (SNOR) 

The California Department of Education collects the annual Student National Origin Report (SNOR) information through the CALPADS Student Information (SINF) extract.  Only immigrant students who have been enrolled in a U.S. school less than three school years are reported to CALPADS and submitted through the Student Information (SINF) extract. Immigrant students who have been enrolled for longer than three years are not reported.   

To monitor student eligibility, use the following CALPADS Fall 1 Data Validation query.  By extracting to Excel, the data can be manipulated to determine eligibility and totals:


NOTE: To mass update changes, paste the Student IDs (STU.ID) in the Student Search page to KEEP selected students.  Then, navigate to the Mass Add Student Related Data page to update the values.

Language Census Reporting (R30)

The Language Census Report is reported through Fall 2 for each section. It is now populated and reported from Aeries to CALPADS through the master Schedule screen or the Elementary Teachers screen.  For more information on Fall 2 Reporting please see these articles:  CALPADS Fall 2 Reporting.